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Womens Ministries:
I believe that within the heart of every woman is an innate longing to live life in community with other women and a desire for sisterhood at the most authentic level. I believe we all need a tribe to journey with side by side, where hearts connect, burdens are shared, life is celebrated and Jesus is lifted high.
SoCal Women exists to make this a reality. And this is how we do it:
- Encouraging women to KNOW and follow Jesus Christ
- Engaging women to GROW in relationship with Christ through discipleship and community
- Empowering women to GO and live out their purpose as they serve and reach others for Christ locally & globally
You have a unique voice and a beautiful contribution to be made like only you can do. So, step out, step up and step into all that He has prepared for you. My prayer is that as you know Him more intimately, His extravagant love will shine through every portion of your life. Be brave, take Him by the hand and get ready for a wild adventure.
Mens Ministries:
Because all men are at different stages of their lifelong discipleship journey with Christ, we have created FREE discipleship series and lessons that touch every area of biblical manhood, and are divided into three levels of study:
GROWTH — Here you’ll find 45 basic, but important discipleship series containing 217 lessons (11 series and 63 lessons available in Spanish) that help men grow in the four spiritual dimensions of manhood (as exemplified by Christ in His baptism and temptations in Matthew 3-4): Identity, Relationships, Purpose, and Vision.
BIBLICAL — A laser focus on God’s Word! The Journey Through Series is a growing collection of digital book studies (2 titles and 47 lessons available) that take men on a deeper journey into the Bible with a special focus on the original audience’s experience, application pieces for us today, and the voice of the Holy Spirit for today’s reader.
TARGETED — The Targeted Series deals with the most significant issues and elements of a man’s walk with Christ. Each lesson includes a “wide-angle” view of Biblical truth and teachings, and eventually advances to the “trigger-point” where the reader is challenged to act on what the Holy Spirit is saying to him. Two titles and 37 lessons are now available.
Kids Church:
We exist because the empowered church has a mission and mandate to reach and show the next generation who Jesus is. SoCal Kids does that by:
- Equipping leaders to make God’s big story available to children
- Empowering the church to speak “kid” language, include kids and make a path and place for children in the church today.
- Inspiring leaders to engage girls and boys in making Christ known through compassion and global missions.
Join us in making Jesus known! We are better for having you in the mix.
Royal Rangers:
The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.
The Royal Rangers program is a cross-generational ministry that interconnects well with children, youth and adult ministries and fits easily into the fabric of pastoral vision and into the flow of church ministries. We affirm the male hands-on, interactive learning style by featuring an intentional discipleship journey for boys and young men based on their unique design, needs and interests. Every meeting, outing or service activity is designed to encourage boys and young men in their walk with God.
Girls Ministries:
What we do:
- We equip Girls Ministry leadership in your church for success!
We create large group events where your girls can celebrate their faith, make new and lasting friendships, and experience God in all His fullness!
What We Value:
- Ministry to the whole girl – spiritual, mental, physical, social and emotional
- Experiences that build positive memories from childhood to womanhood
- Creating safe places for girls and young women to make lifelong friendships
Our identity is informed by the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
When we encounter Jesus through our obedience to the Spirit’s leading, we are empowered to demonstrate the gospel.
We engage in the mission of God when we love Christ, serve others, and proclaim the gospel.
Our Mission
In 1914, the Assemblies of God was formed following a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Early AG leaders had an immediate concern for the lost, compelling them to take the gospel into all the world. This small, fearless group of men and women committed themselves in writing to “the greatest evangelism the world has ever seen.” They believed both Jesus’ command to reach the whole world and His promise that they would receive the Holy Spirit’s power to do it.
Walking With Life (Hiking Group)
Walking With Life Hiking Group is a hiking ministry to provide opportunities for fellowship and to create a community outreach in a casual setting while hiking in nature. Our ministry encourages members in their walk with the Lord while promoting a love of the outdoors, strengthening family ties as well as their spiritual, emotional, physical, and social well-being.Liberty Christian Center hiking ministry hikes once every 2 weeks. The locations vary. Our focus is Fun, Faith, Friendship and to Fellowship in the beauty that God has given us.
Windwolves Hike 2023